Please see below for our previous sponsors sorted by bridge and tier.
On our main Sponsors page will be the sponsors for the current bridge, and any sponsors for completed projects will appear here.
If you are interested in sponsoring our current bridge, please see our sponsorship package for details!
If you are interested in donating to our current bridge, please note that only monetary donations can be issued a tax receipt, no sponsorship amount will be allowed to recieve a tax receipt. The primary difference between sponsorship and donations are sponsors receive benefits as outlined in the sponsorship package, and donors are eligible for tax receipts.
Non-monetary donations cannot be issued a tax receipt, and are treated as a type of sponsorship. For details on equipment donations, please visit our Donations page.
Past Sponsors:
Our Chimore Summer 2015 Sponsors:
Platinum Sponsors (> $4000)![PERI](images/sponsorlogo/PERI_Logo.jpg)
Shell Canada
![Waterloo Engineering](images/sponsorlogo/Waterloo Engineering.jpg)
Gold Sponsors ($2000 - $3999)
Silver Sponsors ($750 - $1999)
![Prica Group](images/sponsorlogo/PricaGroup-logo.jpg)
![UW EngSoc](images/sponsorlogo/EngSoc (colour).png)
Bronze Sponsors (< $750)
![Civilian Printing](images/sponsorlogo/CivilianPrinting.jpg)
![Graphic Edge Print Solutions](images/sponsorlogo/GEPS.png)
Our Totolima Summer 2014 Sponsors:
Platinum Sponsors (> $2500)![UW Engineering](images/sponsorlogo/Waterloo Engineering.jpg)
Gold Sponsors ($1500 - $2499)
![WEEF](images/sponsorlogo/WEEF Logo.png)
![UW EngSoc](images/sponsorlogo/EngSoc (colour).png)
![UW Civil & Environmental Engineering](images/sponsorlogo/Dept Civil Eng.jpg)
Silver Sponsors ($500 - $1499)
![Northern Geo](images/sponsorlogo/NorthernGeo.png)
![Metro Testing](images/sponsorlogo/metrotesting.jpg)
![Prica Group](images/sponsorlogo/PricaGroup-logo.jpg)
![CRA](images/sponsorlogo/CRA-logo_Text to Right_Colour.jpg)
Bronze Sponsors (< $500)
To see our sponsors for past bridges, please view our sponsors archive.